• Students are expected to abide by the rules and regulations set by school and maintain an orderly environment.
  • Students should treat school staff (teaching /non-teaching) with respect at all times and be courteous to fellow students and visitors.
  • Students are expected to use polite language and speak only English while on the School Campus. Students will not use foul or offensive language.
  • Students will not litter in (or outside) the school premises.
  • Students are expected to have respect for their peers and be sensitive to differences among themselves due to physical, cultural and economic considerations.
  • Any form of bullying or ragging will result in a disciplinary committee review and could result in expulsion with a negative conduct certificate.
  • Any misbehavior or violation of school discipline will be dealt with by the disciplinary committee and corrective action will be taken. In extreme cases parents will be called in to discuss the child’s behavior and may lead to suspension or expulsion from the school.
  • It is compulsory to bring the school issued ID card to school every day. Not bringing the ID card could result in the child not being allowed into the school premises.
  • Students should be in the proper uniform as prescribed. Proper length of skirts and shorts must be adhered to. Black school shoes with white socks must be as defined in the uniform.
  • Boys should have short groomed haircut.
  • Girls with long hair should have it _ed. Only black hairclips / hair bands must be worn.
  • All students should have clipped nails. Girls are not permitted to wear nail paint.
  • Students are not permitted to wear expensive or flashy jewellery, watches and other accessories.
  • Strict action will be taken against students who are found using illicit or narcotic substances and behaving inappropriately on the premises.
  • Students should attend assemblies, all classes, activities, clubs and meeting punctually and excuse themselves officially for which they are absent.
  • Damage done to school property is subject to imposition of fine / cost of repairing of the damaged material.
  • Late arrival of students will be strictly dealt with.
  • All class works / home works /assignments / projects must be completed and submitted on time.
  • Offensive weapons, fireworks, knives, sharp objects etc. are strictly forbidden in school.
  • Students are not permitted to carry mobile phones, i-pods, electronic games, Camera etc on the school premises. In case a student has to carry a phone for extraneous reasons, arrangements will be made to deposit the same at the school office during school hours.
  • Strict action will be taken if it comes to the notice of the school authorities that any student is involved in possession and circulation of inappropriate digital content on mobile devices.
  • Aerated drinks, chewing gum, cigarettes, alcohol etc. are banned in the school.
  • Student is to be regular and punctual to all the classes (theory/practical/activities) and secure attendance of not less than 75% as stipulated by CBSE Board, New Delhi.
  • I am fully aware that attendance less than 75% in the school will make him/her lose one year.
  • Students should display true competitive spirit in any type of completion conducted in School. Besides, students must never indulge in any act which poses a security threat to themselves or other.
  • Students can leave the campus only after the session. In case of emergencies, an out pass will be issued by the school authorities and the same will be informed to the parents.