Our school publishes a News Letter every month projecting the major activities of the previous month and intimating the upcoming events. Every year our school brings out a Magazine which helps assess the progress of the institution. Students are motivated to exhibit their literary talent by contributing articles, travelogues, poems, stories, book reviews etc in English, Hindi and Snaskrit.


One of the hallmarks of Shealing Public School is the Shealing Talent Award organized every year to award prominent celebrities originally hailing from Chhatarpur. This is an awesome event that is made colourful with artists and celebrities from all over India adorning the stage. It is illumined by the dazzling dances and breath-taking performances of our students.

International Yoga Day was observed in the school on June 21. Independence Day was celebrated on Aug. 15 by hosting National flag and staging various cultural prog. that arouse national spirit and patriotism. Many other events such as Raksha Bandan Day Teachers’ day, Children’s Day, Christmas etc were celebrated with pomp and gaiety.

          REPUBLIC DAY:  Republic Day 2017 was commemorated in the school on January 26, 2017 with great patriotic feelings and immense enthusiasm. The Managing Director hoisted the National Flag at 7:30 am and addressed the students and teachers. It was followed by March past and various cultural programmes by our students.

SURYA NAMASKAR:  In relation to National Youth Day which is observed on the birthday of Swami Vivekananda, our school organized a grand Surya Namaskar, on January 12, 2017. Students as well as teachers took an active part in Yoga session held on this day.

TRAFFIC RULES AWARENESS:  In order to instill the importance of traffic rules, the students of Shealing Home Eng. Hr. School attended a traffic awareness class in the school on January 12, 2017. The class was led by Mr. K. P. Singh Parihar (Sub Inspector, Traffic) together with his colleagues. It was very informative and useful to the students.

EXAMS:  We strictly adhere to CBSE pattern of assessment. All classes have undergone  four formative ass. and one SA. Final exam for classes I-VIII will begin on Feb 20, 2017. X & XII board exams will commence on March 10 and 9 respectively. XI from March 2, IX  from 17thMarch, 2017

TOURS & PICNICS : Our school conducted many excursions during this academic year. One trip was arranged to Kanpur for two days and another to Delhi for three days. A number of our students took part in these and enjoyed and also learned a lot. The hostlers were given a chance to visit Jatashankar as a pilgrimage cum pleasure trip.  The students of Shealing Kids were taken out for a picnic to Pithambara Temple at Satai Road on January 4, 2017. It was a day of great joy and exhilaration for all the kids.