Shealing Public School holds the credit of being the first school in Sagar Division to have Hi-tech classrooms. DTS (Digital Transformation System) are installed in all class rooms and teachers use them for effective lesson delivery. Educomp is the largest technology providers in India and we are proud to have their assistance for this programme.

An English speaking campus is getting into reality with the cooperation and support of staff and management. Special spoken English programmes are conducted to enable them to speak English in a near-native style.

Every individual is different and so their abilities. Students vary in ability and will have different study habits.. Each group is catered with assistance from expert coaches who are available throughout the working hours of the school. Subject teachers are spending their free hours and even beyond school timing to assist students in any area required.

The children need to know concepts directly from nature. They must be aware of the rich heritage of India. They have to refresh their mind so as to do better in the future. With these concepts in mind, study tours, visits and excursions are arranged to places of cultural, scientific, historical and geographical importance.

Health is wealth. Without health nothing can be achieved in life and we see that our children are safe and healthy. For the same, the service of a doctor and a nurse is made available round the clock. Regular medical check-ups are conducted in the school.

Mental health as important as physical health. To cater to psychological needs of the student community, we have appointed a counselor who is specialized in Psychology. Health education is included in the curriculum as well.