General Rules for Student’s and Parents/ Guardians

  • Parents/Guardians and Students will be bound by the Rules as laid down by the Management of the Shealing’s Nest and revised and updated from time to time.
  • In matter of any dispute the decision of the Managing Director will be the final.
  • In accordance with the Rules of Shealing’s Nest, the Parents/Guardians will be allowed to meet/call the students, so that the students may concentrate in their studies more. In normal course the Parents are allowed to meet the Students/Wards once every month or with the permission of Managing Director & General Manager in the School ie Shealing Public School. In case there is no leave for the students of Shealing’s nest for a particular month, then the Parents or Guardians can meet the students on first and third Sunday’s of that particular month, between 10 AM to 6 PM (Please go through the Academic Calendar as provided by the Shealing Nest for Holiday List )
  • The Parents/Guardians are not allowed to go to the rooms of the Students, they should meet\ their child in the meeting place as directed by the management or can take their child for the day, after taking the permission and submitting letter to the Shealing’s Nest Hostel authority Incharge.
  • In case the Parents/Guardians whose photo(S) has been submitted with the Hostel authorities can meet the Students without the permission from the General Manager or Managing Director, however, if any person other than those whose photographs has been submitted, should bring the written per- mission from the Parents/Guardians of the Student and also the permission of GM or MD is required.
  • The Parents/Guardians will not hold the School responsible for any illness/accidents and will not claim against the act of illness, accident or any other causes, prevailing earlier and happens accidently.
  • The Parents/Guardians will authorise the Managing Director and through him the staff of Shealing Nest to act as Local Parents of their wards while they are at the Hostel, School or on Tour.
  • On behalf of the Parents, the Managing Director is authorised to take necessary action in case of any emergency e.g surgical opearations or any situation where their permission is needed but cannot be obtained in time.
  • Smoking, use of alcoholic drinks or drugs,mobile phones and leaving Hostel or School without the permission are strictly prohibited. Students involved in any such or similar activities may be expelled from the School/ Hostel.

The Managing Director is fully empowered to remove the student from the Hostel/School, in his opinion the Student has failed to abide by the disciplinary rules of the hostel or school, and if his continued retention is detrimental to the interest of other students of the Hostel or School.

  • Damange of hostel or school property, including library books, will have to be made good by Parents of the defaulting students.
  • It is desirable that the Parents do not bring/send eatables, but if they are received, the eatables will be distributed amongst all the boarders.
  • Students are not allowed to keep cash. The cash may be deposited with the Shealing’s Nest authority who will maintain the account of the Student and will purchase the goods for the Student when needed and found appropriate by the authorities.
  • Students are not allowed to keep any items other than those as per the list provided by the authorities, If however, the student are found in possession with other items, then such items will be confiscated by the Hostel management.
  • Unauthorised cash found with the students will be forfeited & made part of the Hostel Fund. They are not permitted to own transistors, cameras, mobile phones or other expensive articles while at Hostel and School.
  • For ordinary ailments Parents are not informed. If a student is admitted in hospital, the Parents is communicated. Parents are requested to intimate the hostel management if the student is suffering from major illness or disease in the past.
  • No leave will be allowed to the students during the examination days.
  • Leave may be granted for some particular medical treatment. Parents are requested to submit the medical prescription/certificate to Hostel after such treatment.
  • For all kinds of leaves written request by Parents/Guardians should be made to the Hostel Incharge in advance, no leave will be granted on student’s request.
  • Leave will be considered only when the application is made by the Parents or the Guardians.
  • If the student does not report to the Hostel on the scheduled date, then a fine of RS100 will be imposed for every one day of excess leave.
  • If a student is detained due to some illness, application to that effect should be accompained by giving medical certificate from a registered MBBS doctor.